Robert Munsch's Murmel, Murmel, Murmel (PB)
Robert Munsch's Put Me in a Book!
Robert Munsch's Quel déménagement! (Moving Day)
Robert Munsch's Stephanie's Ponytail
Robert Munsch's The Dark
Robert Munsch's The Fire Station
Robert Munsch's The Paper Bag Princess
Robert Munsch's The Paper Bag Princess: 40th Anniversary edition
Robert Munsch's The Sandcastle Contest
Robert Munsch's Thomas' Snowsuit
Robert Munsch's Vilains maringouins! (Blackflies)
Robert Munsch's Zoom!
Robert Munsch's: Boo!
Robert Munsch's: Get Out of Bed!
Robert Munsch's: I'm So Embarrassed
Robert Munsch's: Seeing Red
Robert Munsch: Pigs
Rocks and Minerals: The Ultimate Handbook
Rory the Remarkable Dragon
Rufus Goes to School
Run Salmon Run
S Is for S'mores: A Camping Alphabet
S is for Story: A Writer's Alphabet
Salmon Creek
Salmon Forest
Same Love, Different Hug
Scaredy's Nutty Adventures # 1: Scaredy Squirrel In a Nutshell (PB)
Scaredy's Nutty Adventures: Scaredy Squirrel Gets a Surprise
Scarlet's Tale