The Baby-Sitters Club Graphix #4: Claudia and Mean Janine
The Bad Guys #10: The Baddest Day Ever
The Bad Guys #8: The Bad Guys in Superbad
The Bad Guys #7: The Bad Guys in Do-You-Think-He-Saurus?!
The Bad Guys #6: Bad Guys in Alien vs Bad Guys
The Bad Guys #1
The Bad Guys #5: Bad Guys in Intergalactic Gas
Bird & Squirrel #1: On the Run!
Katie the Catsitter #1
Wings of Fire: The Graphic Novel #4: The Dark Secret
The Last Kids on Earth #1
Mac B. Kid Spy #3: Top-Secret Smackdown
Amulet #1: The Stonekeeper
Owly #1: The Way Home
Earth Before Us #1: Dinosaur Empire!
Class Act
The Last Kids on Earth #5: and the Midnight Blade
Lightfall #1: The Girl & the Galdurian
The Bad Guys #13: The Bad Guys in Cut to the Chase
The Bad Guys # 14: The Bad Guys in They're Bee-Hind You!
The Bad Guys #12: The Bad Guys in The One?!
The Bad Guys #3: The Bad Guys in The Furball Strikes Back
Dog Man #7: For Whom the Ball Rolls
The Bad Guys #9: The Bad Guys in the Big Bad Wolf
Diary of a Wimpy Kid #1
Invisible Emmie: Emmie and Friends #1
Hilda #1: Hilda and the Troll
Hilo #8: Gina and the Big Secret
Wings of Fire: The Graphic Novel #7: Winter Turning
Catwad #2: It's Me, Two