The Bad Guys #10: The Baddest Day Ever
The Bad Guys #8: The Bad Guys in Superbad
The Bad Guys #7: The Bad Guys in Do-You-Think-He-Saurus?!
The Bad Guys #6: Bad Guys in Alien vs Bad Guys
The Bad Guys #1
The Bad Guys #5: Bad Guys in Intergalactic Gas
Owly #1: The Way Home
The Bad Guys #13: The Bad Guys in Cut to the Chase
The Bad Guys # 14: The Bad Guys in They're Bee-Hind You!
The Bad Guys #12: The Bad Guys in The One?!
The Bad Guys #3: The Bad Guys in The Furball Strikes Back
Dog Man #7: For Whom the Ball Rolls
The Bad Guys #9: The Bad Guys in the Big Bad Wolf
Diary of a Wimpy Kid #1
Total Mayhem #1: Monday - Into the Cave of Thieves Total
Mac B. Kid Spy #2: The Impossible Crime
Press Start! #7: Robo-Rabbit Boy, Go! A Branches Book
Press Start! #4: Super Rabbit Boy Vs. Super Rabbit Boss! A Branches Book
Peanuts Kids # 12 Lucy: Speak Out!
Dog Man #12: The Scarlet Shedder
Peanut, Butter, & Crackers #2: Fetch!
Dragon Kingdom of Wrenly # 3: Night Hunt
InvestiGators #4: Ants in Our P.A.N.T.S.
Press Start! #12: Super Rabbit Boy World! A Branches Book
Olga #3: Out of Control! (HC)
Olga #2: We're Out of Here! (HC)
The Bad Guys #16: The Others?!
Total Mayhem #2: Tuesday - The Curse of the Blue Spots
The Bad Guys #15: The Bad Guys in Open Wide and Say Arrrgh!
Pokemon: Sun & Moon, Vol. 3