Haunted Canada: The Graphic Novel Vol. 1 : Four Terrifying Tales
Haunted Canada: The Third Terrifying Collection
Haunted: The House Next Door
Henry Sasquatch w/ Green Bomber Hat
Hockey ABC
Hockey Super Six: On Thin Ice
I Am a Hockey Player
If You Give a Moose a Muffin
Iris Cove Loons 500pc
Jessie's Island
Kelso Mountain Lion/ Cougar 20”
L'orignal qui avait la frousse: Nicholas Oldland (Making the Moose Out of Life)
Le chien d'or de Québec (The Quebec Golden Dog)
Les amis qui voguaient à l'aventure
Lieux hantés: Les fantômes du Québec ( Haunted Canada : Quebec Bindup) (pb)
Little Canada
Little Critics: What Canadian Chefs Cook for Kids (and Kids Will Actually Eat)
Little Wolf #1: Teoni Spathelfer
Little Wolf #3: Abalone Woman: Teoni Spathelfer
Lost in Barkerville
Ludwig Loon 8"
Make That Most Magnificent Thing Game
Making the Moose Out of Life
Map of Canada: 100 XXL pc
Master of the North 1000pc (2023)
Meet Chris Hadfield
Meet David Suzuki
Moose - Ganz Heritage Collection
Moose Hand Puppet
My First Book of Canadian Birds