Kids First: Robot Engineer Kit
Klutz Maker Lab: Rocks, Gems & Geodes
La Loupe - Giant Magnifiying Glass
Lava Labs Color-Ruption
Learning Lab: Human Body: Take an Inside Tour of How Your Anatomy Works
LEGO: Brick Science
Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 1: A Nest Full of Eggs
Lindsay Ford's Science Girl
Listen to the Language of the Trees: A story of how forests communicate underground
Little Cloud: The Science of a Hurricane
Little Explorer Magnifying Glass: Garden Friends
Mercer Mayer's Little Critter: My Trip to the Museum
Mighty Magnets
Mission: Arctic: A Scientific Adventure to a Changing North Pole
Motors & Generators
My First BrainQuest First Words: Science Around Us
National Geographic Kids Francais Niveau 2: La chenille et le papillon (Caterpillar to Butterfly)
National Geographic Kids Francais Niveau 2: Les Grenouilles (Frogs)
Nature Detective Set
Night Owl Night
No Boundaries: 25 Women Explorers and Scientists Share Adventures, Inspiration, and Advice
Ooze Labs: Mix Your Own Slime Kit -
Ooze Labs: Super-Expanding Instant Snow
Our World in Pictures Rocks & Minerals Flash Cards
Outdoor Activity Lab: Second Edition
Outdoor Science
Outdoor Science Lab for Kids (Hands on Family)
Partly Cloudy
Penguin Young Readers Level 4: Here Comes the Rain! Can Animals Predict the Weather?
Poop Attack