The Kid-Friendly ADHD & Autism Cookbook
The 3rd edition of The Kid-Friendly ADHD & Autism Cookbook provides a current and greatly expanded review of the most commonly used diets that are important in the treatment of ADHD and autism. There are recipes appropriate to specific diets as indicated by icons and descriptors with each recipe. The authors share details about just how and why each diet works, examine specialty ingredients in-depth, and provide extensive resources and references.
The specialty diets covered include:
Gluten-free, casein-free, soy-free
Feingold diet: low phenol, low salicylate diet
Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) and Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet (GAPS)
Anti-yeast/candida diets, or Body Ecology Diet
Low Oxalate Diet (LOD)
FODMAP (Fermentable Oligo-, Di- and Mono-saccharides, And Polyols)
Anti-inflammatory diet
Rotation diet
Despite the restrictions of these diets, this cookbook offers an array of tasty choices that kids and the whole family will love, including shakes, muffins, breads, rice and beans, vegetables, salads, main dishes, stews, and even sweets and treats. You’ll also find recommendations for school lunches and snacks.
This comprehensive guide and cookbook is chock-full of helpful info and research, and includes more than 150 kid-friendly recipes, suitable to the variety of specialty diets.