My First Busy Town: Let's Get Going!
What should we eat at the café? What busy vehicles can we see? Let's look around town, count things, spot colors, and say lots of words!
Exciting picture tabs and fun questions encourage little ones to explore every page and spot all the things in this engaging photographic word book. Babies and toddlers will enjoy choosing something to play on at the playground, making the noise of a fire engine, pointing to red foods at the supermarket, and flapping their arms like a parrot at the zoo!
Inviting and educational, this first word book is filled with delightful objects. Clear labels accompany the objects so your little one can sound out the words with you, while questions encourage children to learn and play! This interactive book is perfect for you and your child to share, and helps children develop speaking, listening, and observation skills.
The book’s sturdy board pages are ideal for young children, while the picture tabs along the top and side are easy to grip, helping your child’s fine motor control. Preschoolers will quickly recognize the picture on each tab, which will take them straight to their favorite place in town.