Marvel Action #1: Spider-Man: A New Beginning
Ellie Engle Saves Herself
Marvel Super Stories #2: Amazing Adventures
Leon #2: Worst Friends Ever
Leon the Extraordinary
Usborne Colour Your Own: Superheroes
Las aventuras de Katana en Super Hero High (DC Super Hero Girls: Katana at Super Hero High)
Las aventuras de Batgirl en Super Hero High (DC Super Hero Girls: Batgirl at Super Hero High)
Hilo #5: Then Everything Went Wrong
Hilo #4: Waking the Monsters
Marvel Action #2: Spider-Man: Spider-Chase
Marvel Action #3: Spider-Man: Bad Luck
Mischief and Mayhem #1: Born to Be Bad
Batman: Attack of the Man-Bat!
Las aventuras de Wonder Woman en Super Hero High (DC Super Hero Girls: Wonder Woman at Super Hero High)
Black Panther: Shuri and T'Challa (Marvel Graphic Novels)
Hilo #6: All the Pieces Fit
Hilo #7: Gina - The Girl Who Broke the World
Shuri: A Black Panther Novel #1
Secret Hero Society #4: Science Fair Crisis
Batman and Robin and Howard
Ms. Marvel: Stretched Thin (Marvel Graphic Novels)