Tu y arriveras? (The Magical Yet)
Capitaine Bobette N°9: et le terrifiant retour de Fifi Ti-père (Captain Underpants #9)
A Fair Deal: Shopping for Social Justice
Baby Porcupine
Heather Has Two Mommies
The Fix-It Man
About Rodents: A Guide for Children
Le petit chevalier qui combattait les monstres (The Little Knight Who Battled Monsters)
Judy Moody and Friends #8: April Fools, Mr. Todd!
Hibou Hebdo: N° 4: La nouvelle eleve (Owl Diaries #4: Eva and the New Owl)
This is Me
Let's Play Soccer
Princess Pistachio and the Pest
Kids Cooking: Students Prepare and Eat Foods from Around the World
The Stranded Whale
Le petit chevalier qui affrontait les dragons (The Little Knight Who Battled a Dragon)
About Habitats: Mountains
The Caterpillar Woman
Auguste Pokus en mission (Hocus Pocus Takes the Train)
Mission: Back to School
The Very Fairy Princess: Graduation Girl!
Stink #9: Stink and the Shark Sleepover
Superman: Tales of the Fortress of Solitude: The Robot That Barked
The Magic School Bus Rides Again #3: Carlos Gets the Sneezes: A Branches Book
The Magic School Bus Rides Again: Meet the Class
The Other Side of the Story: Seriously, Cinderella Is SO Annoying! Cinderella as Told by the Wicked Step
Baby Grizzly Bear
Julie the Rockhound
Sparks New Readers: Pigsticks and Harold and the Pirate Treasure
Waiting for Sophie