Am I a Frog?
Nonfiction for new readers! Egg to tadpole to frog. A science book for first graders to read on their own!
You started in an egg.
You hatched.
You ate.
You grew.
A tadpole swims, breathes, eats, rests, climbs, and grows into a frog . . . when he jumps up and catches a dragonfly. An elegant, beautifully illustrated life cycle book by a highly regarded author and illustrator of books for young children.
A chart in the back of the book shows nine stages of the frog’s development.
For early-to-mid first graders, Level G books feature more complex storylines than prior levels, and a wider variety of structure and punctuation. Illustrations offer support for decoding the more challenging vocabulary words introduced.
The books in the award-winning I Like to Read series are especially created for new readers and are leveled using Fountas & Pinnell standards. Acclaimed author-illustrators—including winners of Caldecott, Theodor Seuss Geisel, and Coretta Scott King honors—create original, high-quality illustrations that support comprehension of simple text and are fun for kids to read again and again with their parents, teachers, or on their own!