Stinky Science: Why the Smelliest Smells Smell So Smelly
This book about the science of smells takes a funky subject and makes it fascinating --- and hilarious! It starts with the basics, from the reason why things stink to how our sense of smell works (hint: it has to do with the six million scent receptors way up inside our noses). Then come some specifics such as how and why smells are closely linked to memories, descriptions of some of the stinkiest stinks on Earth and information about the chemicals that smells are made of. (Young readers finally learn why feet and some cheeses can smell the same!) Altogether, the book offers a complete tour of everything olfactory, while also being a compendium of the best-of in the gross-out category. Poop, rotting flesh, b.o.: what more could a “nose-y” kid ask for?
Edward Kay is an award-winning children's television writer and science writer. Here he uses his knack for knowing what kids like to create an entertaining, laugh-out-loud book that's thoroughly researched and full of up-to-date facts. It offers strong curriculum links in the life sciences, particularly the human body structure and systems, and molecules and organisms. Adding to the fun are the funny comic-style illustrations by Mike Shiell on every page. (Yes, of course, there's farting!) Kids may not even notice they're learning science! A glossary and index round out this terrific book.