Hiking Trails 2: South-Central Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands
The completely revised and updated 9th Edition of Hiking Trails 2 is your guide to South-Central Vancouver Island, including Shawnigan Lake, Cobble Hill, Duncan and the Cowichan Valley, Ladysmith, Cedar, Yellow Point, Nanaimo, the Gulf Islands, Oceanside, Port Alberni and Long Beach.
Data from the past eight editions have been expanded, revised and updated. Hiking Trails 2 now includes over 60 feature hikes, many on new trails, suggested other nearby hiking possibilities and 35 color maps.
This best-selling classic continues to be one of the three essential hiking guides to one of the most spectacular islands in the world. The book will appeal to novice and experienced hikers, area residents and visitors alike.
Information has been collected from local hikers and outdoor specialists, and revised and expanded by Richard K. Blier, well-known writer and outdoor enthusiast. Enjoy the outdoors!