Dynamite Mountain  Exploding Tunnel

Dynamite Mountain Exploding Tunnel

  • $52.99


The mountain is blown up and the railway can pass through the explosive tunnel. This mountain set with a realistic stone look is a great addition to every BRIO World and hides a railway passage inside. After the TNT is placed in the hole, the mountain explodes and releases the secret tunnel. This railway tunnel made of sturdy plastic and wooden parts can be easily connected to other BRIO World toys via the curved wooden rail inside.

About BRIO World: BRIO World is our open game system that grows with your child. All BRIO World toys go together and can be combined to create a game world that is perfectly suited to promote child development. It allows endless combinations for imaginative gaming fun that are waiting to be explored This game set fits exactly into this concept. The construction of a world of its own can begin with the first part.

The tunne with blast function contains 3 parts: 1 x explosive tunnel with removable parts, 1 x 'TNT' charge 1 x wagon.