Bumble and Bee #2: Let’s Play Make Bee-lieve: An Acorn Book
Hello, Hedgehog! #3: Who Needs a Checkup? An Acorn Book
Hello, Hedgehog! #1: Do You Like My Bike?: An Acorn Book
Usborne English Readers Starter Level: The Hare And The Tortoise
I Can Read! Level 1: I Want to Be a Teacher
Sparks New Readers: Houndsley and Catina and Cousin Wagster
Poppleton #4: Poppleton in Fall: An Acorn Book
Poppleton #3: Poppleton Every Day: An Acorn Book
Ripley Readers Level 2: Skateboarding!
Ripley Readers Level 2: Caves!
Ripley Readers Level 1: Sports!
Sparks New Readers: Houndsley and Catina and the Quiet Time
Sparks New Readers: Houndsley and Catina, Plink and Plunk
Sparks for New Readers: Ant and Honey Bee: A Pair of Friends in Winter
Ready to Read Level 2: Hamster Holmes, Afraid of the Dark?
Poppleton #2: Poppleton and Friends: An Acorn Book
Poppleton #1: An Acorn Book
The Little Mermaid
National Geographic Readers Level 2: Animals in the City
Superman: Tales of the Fortress of Solitude: The Last City of Krypton
I Can Read! Level 1: Dixie Wins the Race
Superman: Tales of the Fortress of Solitude: Rays of Doom
Sparks New Readers: Pigsticks and Harold and the Pirate Treasure
Sparks New Readers: Pigsticks and Harold and the Tuptown Thief
Superman: Tales of the Fortress of Solitude: A Buried Starship
Superman: Tales of the Fortress of Solitude: The Robot That Barked