Gros gâté (Hungry Bird)
Oiseau serait-il trop gâté?
Oiseau fait une randonnée avec ses amis. Son ventre gargouille et les collations proposées ne lui plaisent pas. Oiseau survivra-t-il s'il ne mange pas immédiatement?
Pour tous les petits qui ont exigé une collation dans la minute. et pour tous les parents qui auraient souhaité combler leurs désirs.
Do YOU ever get hangry (a combination of hungry and angry)?
Bird is hiking with his friends when his tummy rumbles. But no one packed him a snack that he likes! With every step, his hunger mounts until he collapses on the ground. How will Bird survive if he doesn't eat the perfect something this instant?!
The hilarious blue-feathered diva who first starred in Jeremy Tankard's high-flying debut, Grumpy Bird (Gros grognon), returns in another laugh-out-loud melodrama. For every child who has ever needed a snack right now, and for every parent who has had to cope with a hangry, fussy child, Gros gâté is sure to satisfy.