Captain Underpants #4: and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants (2023)
Captain Underpants #6: and the Big, Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Boy, Part 1 (2023)
Captain Underpants #2: and the Attack of ther Talking Toilets (2023)
Baby-Sitters Little Sister: The Graphic Novel #8: Karen's Sleepover
The Adventures of Captain Underpants #1: 25th and a Half Anniversary Edition 2023
Sparks! #2: Double Dog Dare
Mr. Wolf's Class #2: Mystery Club
Catwad #1: It's Me
Sparks! #1
Sparks! #3: Future Purrfect
Mr. Wolf's Class #5: Snow Day
Mr. Wolf's Class #1
Real Pigeons #3: Real Pigeons Nest Hard
Narwhal and Jelly #9: Narwhal's Sweet Tooth (HC)
Winnie The Pooh
Pup and Dragon: How to Catch a Unicorn
The Bad Guys #19: in the Serpent and the Beast
Captain Underpants #5: and the Wrath of the Wicked Wedgie Woman (2023)
Academy for Roblox Pros: A Graphic Novel #1: Attack of the Zombies
Tales of an 8-Bit Kitten #1
Dragon Kingdom of Wrenly #9: Legion of Lava
Cat Ninja #1
Minecraft Omnibus Volume 2: Wither Without You
Diary of a Wimpy Kid #15: The Deep End
Diary of a Wimpy Kid #11: Double Down
Fluffle Bunnies #1: Buns Gone Bad
Amber Brown: The Graphic Novel #1: Amber Brown Is Not a Crayon
Tater Tales #2: The King of the World! (HC)
A Noob's Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior #2: Into the Nether
Guardians of Horsa #2: The Naysayers