Ramona #1: Beezus and Ramona
Wind Riders #2: Search for the Scarlet Macaws
Ralph #2: Runaway Ralph
Olga #3: Out of Control! (HC)
Olga #2: We're Out of Here! (HC)
Poppy #4: Poppy and Rye
Stick Cat #3: Two Catch a Thief (HC)
Pea, Bee, & Jay #3: Lift Off
Pea, Bee, & Jay #1: Stuck Together
Pea, Bee, & Jay #2: Wannabees
A Boy Called Bat #1
Ice Chips #3: The Ice Chips and the Invisible Puck
Ralph #1: The Mouse and the Motorcycle
Ramona #6: Ramona Quimby, Age 8
Laugh Out Loud: Jokes For Kids : Would You Rather
Laugh-Out-Loud: The Big Book of Knock-Knock Jokes
A Year of Nature Walks and Games
Wind Riders #4: Whale Song of the Puffin Cliff
Wind Riders #3: Shipwreck in Seal Bay
Little House #2: Farmer Boy
Dungeons and Dragons: Dungeon Academy #1: A Goblin Problem
Creative Writer’s Handbook
Dungeons & Dragons: Dungeon Academy #2: Goreball Scrimmage
Beak & Ally #3: The Big Storm
Henry Huggins #6: Ribsy
Henry Huggins #1
Bat #2: Bat and the Waiting Game
Bat #3: Bat and the End of Everything
Spellbound Ponies #1: Magic and Mischief
Spellbound Ponies #3: Wishes and Weddings