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Colloquially known as the king of the jungle, lions are the second largest cat on planet Earth. Endemic to Africa and India, lions are symbolic of sub-Saharan wildlife. Iconic for their enormous manes, they are one of the most popular cultural images worldwide.

History: Similar to many animals endemic to the sub-Saharan region, lions are classified as a vulnerable species on the IUCN red list. They are afflicted by many different things, including habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, and illegal poaching. While sanctuaries, preserves, and legislation have been established to try and protect the remaining lion population, their numbers are still declining each on a yearly basis.Scientific Name: Panthera leoCharacteristics: Beautifully painted and immaculately sculpted, this lion toy figurine captures the proud and stoic demeanor suitable for a king. You might want to cover your ears – this colossal cat has quite the roar!Size: 5.5 inches long and 3 inches tall, this lion toy figurine is a bit larger than a soda can resting on its side.The Lion is part of the Wild Safari® Wildife collectionAll of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free