Explorer Academy #6: The Dragon's Blood
Izzy Newton and the S.M.A.R.T. Squad #2: Newton's Flaw
Izzy Newton and the S.M.A.R.T. Squad #3: The Law of Cavities
Explorer Academy: #3 The Double Helix
Explorer Academy #5: The Tiger's Nest
National Geographic Kids Francais Niveau 2: Les Grenouilles (Frogs)
Explorer Academy: Ultimate Activity Challenge
Explorer Academy: Codebreaking Activity Adventure
Explorer Academy #4: The Star Dunes
Explorer Academy: Future Tech: The Science Behind the Story
Izzy Newton and the S.M.A.R.T. Squad #1: Absolute Hero
National Geographic Kids Francais Niveau 2: La chenille et le papillon (Caterpillar to Butterfly)
Face To Face With Caterpillars