Desmond Cole Ghost Patrol #3: Surf's Up, Creepy Stuff!
The Kingdom of Wrenly #3: Sea Monster!
Earth's Incredible Habitats - Ocean: Dive In and Discover the World Beneath the Waves
Crab and Snail #1: The Invisible Whale
Usborne Minis: Fish to Spot
Les aventures de Narval et Gelato N° 1: Narval Licorne de mer (A Narwhal and Jelly Book #1: Narwhal: Unicorn of the Sea)
The Science and Superpowers of Seaweed: A Guide for Kids
Ocean Anatomy Sticker Book: more than 750 stickers!
Kids Unplugged: Ocean Quest
Narwhal and Jelly #9: Narwhal's Sweet Tooth (HC)
Magic Tree House: Merlin Missions #25: Shadow of the Shark
The Not-So-Tiny Tales of Simon Seahorse # 2: I Spy . . . a Shark!
The Not-So-Tiny Tales of Simon Seahorse # 1: Simon Says
Narwhal and Jelly #1: Narwhal: Unicorn of the Sea
Diary of a Roblox Pro #6: Mega Shark
Wind Riders #4: Whale Song of the Puffin Cliff
Wind Riders #3: Shipwreck in Seal Bay
Les aventures de Narval et Gelato: No.6 - A l'eau professeur Narval
Fish Everywhere
The Not-So-Tiny Tales of Simon Seahorse #8: Seas the Day!
DK Super Readers Level 3: Deep Sea Creatures
Science Explorers -Search for a Giant Squid: Pick Your Path
Epic Animal Journeys: Navigations and Migrations by Air, Land, and Sky
The Not-So-Tiny Tales of Simon Seahorse #7: Dragon Dreams
Extreme Dot-to-Dot - Oceans
Underwater World: Aquatic Myths, Mysteries, and the Unexplained
The Not-So-Tiny Tales of Simon Seahorse #6: Shell We Dance?
Crab and Snail #2: The Tidal Pool of Cool
Whales to the Rescue: How Whales Help Engineer the Planet
The Not-So-Tiny Tales of Simon Seahorse #5: Into the Kelp Forest