Terra Kids Insect Hotel DIY Assembly Kit
One-of-a-Kind Bug Hotel for Kids
Is your child a bug fanatic? Allow them to show their favorite little friends some TLC with our Terra Kids bug hotel for kids! This build-your-own-insect-house kit is an excellent way for your child to provide beneficial insects in your garden with a cozy home when winter arrives. Then, in the spring, watch these little critters start waking up, laying eggs, and ridding your precious plants of unwanted mites and aphids. This bug house for kids is a win-win-win situation for the bugs, for your bug-loving child, and for you!
- Recommended for ages 8 and up
- Apex comes with metal capping that protects the house from rain
- Eight wooden logs that are pre-drilled make up the interior
- 8.30” wide x 4.4” tall x 11.6” deep
The Perfect Bug House for Kids
With our sturdy bug hotel for kids, your child will be ecstatic about seeing useful flying insects lay eggs in their new home. And you’ll love the fact that the hotel’s shell is easy to assemble. All it takes is screwing your wooden panels together. Your child can also gather natural materials/debris from the outdoors to add an even more natural and personal touch to his new bug hotel. Bug life will never be the same with this top-of-the-line insect house!