Carlos le carlin (Pig the Pug: Aaron Blabey)
Carlos le menteur (Pig the Fibber: Aaron Blabey)
Peppa Pig : Le vent d'automne (Peppa's Windy Fall Day)
Robert Munsch's Vilains maringouins! (Blackflies)
The Very Sleepy Bear: Nick Bland
The Very Super Bear: Nick Bland
Pat le Chat: J'adore aller à l'école (Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes)
L'orignal qui avait la frousse: Nicholas Oldland (Making the Moose Out of Life)
Robert Munsch's C'est petit ici! (Think Big!)
Gros Ours affamé (The Very Hungry Bear: Nick Bland) (pb)
L'oeuf modele (The Good Egg)
Oliver Bounces Back!
Ne lache pas, Olivier! (Oliver Bounces Back)
Frisson l'ecureuil en bref (Scaredy Squirrel In a Nutshell)
Parce que ta vie compte (All Because You Matter)
Cher garçon, (Dear Boy,)
Le grand secret de Clarence (Clarence's Big Secret)
Peter Reynolds' Little Happy Dreamer
No Help Wanted!
Baby Shark: Bedtime for Baby Shark: Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo
Baby Shark: Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo
The Fabulous Friend Machine: Nick Bland
Robert Munsch's Quel déménagement! (Moving Day)
Robert Munsch's Mets-moi dans ton livre! (Put Me in a Book!)
Rikki et Rouquin donnent un coup de main (Fox and Squirrel Help Out)
I Need a Hug
It's Time for School, Stinky Face
Pat le Chat: J'ai un nouveau voisin (Pete the Cat and the New Guy)
Gros Ours courageux ( The Very Brave Bear: Nick Bland) (pb)
Gros gâté (Hungry Bird)