Magisterium #3: The Bronze Key
Tom Gates #7: A Tiny Bit Lucky
Wings of Fire #10: Darkness of Dragons (HC)
Magisterium N° 3: La clé de bronze (Magisterium #3: The Bronze Key)
Amulet N° 8: Supernova (Amulet #8: Supernova)
Animal totem: Les Bêtes Suprêmes N° 5: Le monstre de Gila (Spirit Animals Fall of the Beasts #5: Heart of the Land)
Ten True Tales: Titanic Young Survivors
Amulet N° 4: Le dernier conseil (Amulet #4: The Last Council)
Animal totem N° 6: La chute (Spirit Animals: Rise and Fall)
Amulet N° 5: Le prince des Elfes (Amulet #5: Prince of the Elves)
Bone #7: Ghost Circles
Wings of Fire #3: The Hidden Kingdom (HC)
The Unknown Soldier
American Girl: Real Stories From My Time #2: The Titanic
Lost in Outer Space: The Incredible Journey of Apollo 13
Loot #2: Sting
Stealing Air
Animal totem N° 5: Trahisons (Spirit Animals #5: Against the Tide)
Amulet N° 7: Feu et lumière (Amulet #7: Firelight)
Amulet N° 3: Les chercheurs de nuages (Amulet #3: The Cloud Searchers)
Haunted: The House Next Door
Le Club des Baby-Sitters N° 6: Le grand jour de Kristy (The Baby-Sitters Club Graphix #6: Kristy's Big Day)
The Keys to the Kingdom #7: Lord Sunday
Tom Gates: Absolutely Brilliant Book of Fun Stuff
Haunted Canada #6: More Terrifying True Stories
Haunted Canada 7: Chilling True Tales (old)
Amulet N° 6: L'évasion (Amulet #6: Escape from Lucien)
Le Club des Baby-Sitters N° 4: Claudia a des ennuis (The Baby-Sitters Club Graphix #4: Claudia and Mean Janine)
Bone #8: Treasure Hunters