Thea Stilton #24: Thea Stilton and the Madagascar Madness
Tom Gates #7: A Tiny Bit Lucky
The Fabulous Friend Machine: Nick Bland
Wings of Fire #10: Darkness of Dragons (HC)
Robert Munsch's Quel déménagement! (Moving Day)
Eerie Elementary #9: The Art Show Attacks!: A Branches Book
Eerie Elementary #4: The Science Fair is Freaky! A Branches Book
The Ascendance #2: The Runaway King
Magisterium N° 3: La clé de bronze (Magisterium #3: The Bronze Key)
Robert Munsch's Mets-moi dans ton livre! (Put Me in a Book!)
Geronimo Stilton Journey Through Time #5: No Time to Lose
Amulet N° 8: Supernova (Amulet #8: Supernova)
Super Chien N° 5: Sa Majesté des puces (Dog Man #5: Lord of the Fleas)
Rikki et Rouquin donnent un coup de main (Fox and Squirrel Help Out)
Geronimo Stilton #61: Mouse House Hunter
Animal totem: Les Bêtes Suprêmes N° 5: Le monstre de Gila (Spirit Animals Fall of the Beasts #5: Heart of the Land)
Don't Call Me Bear!
Ten True Tales: Titanic Young Survivors
Rainbow Magic: The Fashion Fairies #5: Jennifer the Hairstylist Fairy
Amulet N° 4: Le dernier conseil (Amulet #4: The Last Council)
Key Hunters #3: The Haunted Howl
Animal totem N° 6: La chute (Spirit Animals: Rise and Fall)
Amulet N° 5: Le prince des Elfes (Amulet #5: Prince of the Elves)
Rainbow Magic: The Fairy Tale Fairies #5: Gwen the Beauty and the Beast Fairy
I Need a Hug
It's Time for School, Stinky Face
Geronimo Stilton Micekings #4: Stay Strong, Geronimo!
Bone #7: Ghost Circles
Pat le Chat: J'ai un nouveau voisin (Pete the Cat and the New Guy)
The Keys to the Kingdom #6: Superior Saturday