Draw Your Day for Kids!: How to Sketch and Paint Your Amazing Life
Hours of fun, art, and inspiration await in the kids' version of popular Instagram artist Samantha Dion Baker's Draw Your Day, an instructive and inspirational guide to keeping a daily sketch journal.
With an encouraging and kid-friendly tone, Baker shares the benefits of keeping an illustrated daily journal with young readers. Drawing daily is a relaxing and reassuring way to express yourself, as well as a practical way to hone art and observation skills and creativity. The book will also function as a time capsule, enabling kids to look back on their memories and feelings, as well as having a visual representation of their developing artistic abilities.
Adapted from the adult book with simplified text, kid-friendly art and prompts, and a built-in journal for kids to apply everything they've learned and create their own keepsake, Baker's signature illustrations inspire and demonstrate art techniques. With recommendations for materials, practice exercises, and ideas for inspiration, a budding artist could hardly wish for anything more.