Journal d'un carlin N°5: Le fantome du grenier (Diary of a Pug #5: Scaredy-Pug)
See below for English description.
Bul, Duchesse et Bella rendent visite à la grand-maman de Bella. Son grenier est absolument formidable! Ils peuvent s’y amuser à construire des forts et à se déguiser… Mais Bul et Duchesse y voient un fantôme! Les deux petites bêtes peureuses pourront-elles se montrer braves pour protéger Bella?
Ce premier roman est idéal pour tous ceux qui rêvent d’avoir un ami à fourrure.
Bul the pug, Duchesse the cat, and their human, Bella, are visiting Bella’s grandma. It’s so much fun to build forts and play dress-up in her attic... until Bul and Duchesse see a ghost up there! Now they have a duty to protect their girl. Can this scaredy-pug and scaredy-cat face their fears to keep Bella safe?
This early chapter book is perfect for anyone who believes a furry pal is the best kind of friend.
Original title: Diary of a Pug #5: Scaredy-Pug