Maitres des dragons N° 9: Le souffle du dragon de la Glace (Dragon Masters #9: Chill of the Ice Dragon)
See below for English description.
Les maîtres des dragons font la rencontre de Mina, qui s'est miraculeusement tirée d'affaire après l'attaque du Géant de Glace. Seul Vulcain, le dragon du Feu de Rori, a une chance de faire fondre la forteresse glacée et de vaincre le terrible Géant de Glace. Mais fera-t-il le poids face à ce dragon spectaculaire?
In the ninth book, a Dragon Master named Mina arrives at the castle. She tells Drake and his friends that her kingdom in the Far North Lands was attacked by a magical Ice Giant. Everything there is frozen -- but Mina escaped! Only a fire dragon can unfreeze her land and defeat the terrible Ice Giant. But Rori and Vulcan are no longer at the castle! Can the Dragon Masters find them in time to help their new friend?
Original title: Dragon Masters 9: Chill of the Ice Dragon