1, 2, 3 Cook! My First Cookbook
A Beetle is Shy
A World of Animals: Learn to draw more than 175 animals from the seven continents!
Adieu, Jacoby! (Goodbye, Jacoby)
Angelina Ballerina's Ballet Tour
Angelina Ballerina: Best Big Sister Ever!
Anne Dreams: Inspired by Anne of Green Gables #6 (HC)
Anne: La Maison aux pignons verts recits pour jeunes lecteurs (Anne of Green Gables: Stories for Young Readers)
Arlo & Pips #2: Join the Crow Crowd!
Backpack Explorer: Rock Hunt
Bake, Make, and Learn to Cook
Baking Wonderland: A Mix & Match Cookbook for Kids!
Banana Fox #1: Banana Fox and the Secret Sour Society
Be a Beach Detective: Solving the Mysteries of Seas, Sands, and Surf
Be a Camouflage Detective: Looking for Critters That are Hidden, Concealed, or Covered
Be a City Nature Detective
Be a Night Detective: Solving the Mysteries of Twilight, Dusk, and Nightfall
Be a Weather Detective: Solving the Mysteries of Cycles, Seasons, and Elements
Be a Wilderness Detective: Solving the mysteries of fields, woods, and coastlines
Brownstone's Mythical Collection # 3: Kai and the Monkey King
Brownstone's Mythical Collection #4: Leo and the Gorgon's Curse
Bug Scouts #1: Out in the Wild!
Canada Wild: Animals Found Nowhere Else on Earth
Canadian Wildlife Activity Book
Capitaine Bobette N°9: et le terrifiant retour de Fifi Ti-père (Captain Underpants #9)
Cat & Cat Adventures #3: Journey into Unibear City
Cat and Cat Adventures: The Staff of Knowledge
Children's Quick and Easy Cookbook
Color With Stickers: Easter: Create 10 Pictures with Stickers!
Comment ça va? Dessinons nos émotions! (How Are You? Draw Your Emotions!)