50 Odd Couples (The Dodo)
A Catstronaut's Kitten Adventure: Waffles and Pancake #3 - Failure to Lunch
A Catstronaut's Kitten Adventure: Waffles and Pancake #4 - Best Friends Fur-Ever
Baby-Sitters Little Sister Graphix #4: Karen's Kittycat Club
Bad Kitty Gets a Phone: The Graphic Novel
Bad Kitty Goes On Vacation: The Graphic Novel
Bad Kitty Goes to the Vet
Bad Kitty Meets the Baby: The Graphic Novel
Binky to the Rescue
Breaking Cat News #4: Behind the Scenes with Burt
Can't Get Enough Cat Stuff
Cat & Cat Adventures #1 The Quest for Snacks
Cat & Cat Adventures #2: The Goblet of Infinity
Cat & Cat Adventures #3: Journey into Unibear City
Cat and Cat Adventures: The Staff of Knowledge
Cat Kid Comic Club # 2 : Perspectives
Cat Kid Comic Club #3: On Purpose
Cat Kid Comic Club #4: Collaborations
Cat Kid Comic Club #5: Influencers
Cat Ninja # 3: Wanted
Cat Ninja # 4 : Cat Ninja: Welcome to the 'Burbs
Cat Ninja #1
Cat Ninja #5: Cat's Claw
Cat on the Run #1: Cat of Death!
Cat on the Run #2: in Cucumber Madness!
CatStronauts #2: Race to Mars
CatStronauts #3: Space Station Situation
CatStronauts #4: Robot Rescue
Catwad # 6: You're Making Me Six
Catwad #1: It's Me