Designed by You: Fairy Fashions! Outfit-Making Art Kit
The Never Girls #1: In a Blink
Fairy Ring
The Adventures of Sophie Mouse # 15 The Missing Tooth Fairy
The Kingdom of Wrenly #11: The False Fairy
Rainbow Magic: The Magical Crafts Fairies #4: Josie the Jewelry Fairy
Fairy Castle
Isadora Moon #3: Isadora Moon Goes to the Ballet
Little Sticker Dolly Dressing Rainbow Fairy
Usborne Minis: Magic Painting Fairies
Fairy Glow in the Dark Diary
The Hidden World of Fairies 4000pc
60 pc Foil Puzzle - Magical Friends
Forest Fairy on a Mushroom Sticker
Julia Donaldson's The Tooth Fairy and the Crocodile
Pixie Tricks #1: Sprite's Secret: A Branches Book
Forever Fairies #4: Zali Sparkles
Tiny Jenny: Little Fairy, Big Trouble
Easy and Fun Paint Magic with Water: Fairies and Friends
Fairy (Honeydew Melon) Kiddough Play Kit
Sticker Dolly Story: Fairy Spells
Blue Elf Child
Plus-Plus Tube - Fairy
Forever Fairies #3: Coco Twinkles
Fairy Mom and Me #3: Fairy Unicorn Wishes
Fairy Mom and Me #2: Fairy In Waiting
Fairy Mom and Me #1
Sticker Dolly Dressing: Magical Kingdom
Rainbow Magic Special Edition: Emma the Easter Fairy
Choose Your Own Adventure: Forecast From Stonehenge