Diary of a Pug #2: Pug’s Snow Day: A Branches Book
Diary of a Pug #1: Pug Blasts Off: A Branches Book
Ranger in Time #12: Attack on Pearl Harbor
Ranger in Time #7: D-Day: Battle on the Beach
Ranger in Time #5: Journey Through Ash & Smoke
Ranger in Time #6: Escape from the Great Earthquake
Ozzie (The Puppy Place #70)
The Puppy Place: Bingo
The Puppy Place: Waffles
The Puppy Place: Scruffy
Diary of a Pug # 5: Scaredy-Pug: A Branches Book
Pets Rule! #6: The Night of the Chipmunk: A Branches Book
Good Dog #13: The Bark Park
Diary of a Pug #11: Pug the Sports Star: A Branches Book
The Party Diaries #4: Fairy-Tale Puppy Picnic: A Branches Book
Good Dog #11: Bo Hatches a Plan
Puggleton Park #2: Penelope and the Curse of the Canis Diamond
Puggleton Park #1
Diary of a Pug #10: Beach Pug
Pets Rule! #5: Invasion of the Pugs: A Branches Book
DJ Funkyfoot #2: Give Cheese A Chance
DJ Funkyfoot #3: The Show Must Go Oink
Pets Rule #3: Kittens Are Monsters: A Branches Book
Choose Your Own Adventure: Dragonlark Space Pup
Choose Your Own Adventure: Dragonlark - Lost Dog
Diary of a Pug #9: Pug the Prince: A Branches Book
Pets Rule! #4 The Rise of the Goldfish: A Branches Book
Diary of a Pug #8: Pug's New Puppy: A Branches Book
Guinea Dog
The Puppy Place #66: Barkley