The Orange Shirt Story: The True Story of Orange Shirt Day
A Night in Fernwood Forest
We Are Water Protectors
Orca's Song
I Am Connected
Grandmother Mouse
Kuekuatsheu Creates the World / Kuekuatsheu ka Tutak Assinu
The Bears and the Magic Masks
Blue Camas, Blue Camas
This Land Is Lullaby
Raven Gets Tricked: Coast Salish Tales
I Hope: Monique Gray Smith
Four Fallen Eagles
Little Wolf #1: Teoni Spathelfer
Metis Like Me
Let's Go!
The Spirit of the Sea
Who Will Win?
Fernwood Forest
Hideaway Cove
A Night at Hideaway Cove
Mouse Celebrates the Winter Solstice
Benjamin's Thunderstorm
Blue Camas! Blue Camas!
Every Child Matters: with Illustrations by Karlene Harvey
Sukaq and the Raven
Storyteller Skye: Teachings from My Ojibway Grandfather
Minnow: The girl who became part fish
Smile So Big
Still This Love Goes On