Thea Stilton #30: Black Forest Burglary
Thea Stilton #33: The American Dream
Thea Stilton Special Edition: The Secret of the Snow
Unicorn Diaries #1: Bo’s Magical New Friend: A Branches Book
Super Chien: N°9: Crime et chat-iment (Dog Man #9: Grime and Punishment)
Once Upon a Fairy Tale #2: The Stolen Slipper: A Branches Book
Super Chien N° 7: Pour qui volent ces balles (Dog Man #7: For Whom the Ball Rolls)
Super Chien N° 4: Super Chien et Mini Chat (Dog Man #4: and Cat Kid)
Super Chien N°3: Conte de deux minets (Dog Man #3: A Tale of Two Kitties)
Super Chien N° 6: La querelle de la foret (Dog Man #6: The Brawl of the Wild)
Capitaine Bobette N°9: et le terrifiant retour de Fifi Ti-père (Captain Underpants #9)
How Would You Survive as a Polar Bear
Unicorn Diaries #4: The Goblin Princess: A Branches Book
Chair de poule: Le film: Gare aux monstres! (Goosebumps: Monster Survival Guide)
Baby-Sitters Petite Soeur N° 2: Karen et ses patins a roulettes (Baby-Sitters Little Sister Graphix #2: Karen's Roller Skates)
Catastrophe! Ouragan (Survival! Hurricane)
L'ecole des poneys enchantes N°3: Une amitie precieuse (Enchanted Pony Academy #3: Let It Glow)
Mission: adoption : Nala (The Puppy Place: Nala)
Catastrophe! Naufrage (Survival! Shipwreck)
Survivants: 2001 Les attentats du 11 septembre (I Survived: 2001 - The Attacks of September 11)
Survivants: 2011 Le tsunami au Japon (I Survived: 2011 - The Tsunami of Japan)
Catastrophe! Tempete de verglas (Survival! Ice Storm)
I Survived #12: The Joplin Tornado, 2011
Eerie Elementary #8: The Hall Monitors are Fired!: A Branches Book
Layla and the Bots #2: Built for Speed: A Branches Book
Frightville #3: The Haunted Key
Thea Stilton #31: Thea Stilton and the Race for the Gold
Geronimo Stilton Cavemice #10: My Autosaurus Will Win!
The Bad Guys #11: in the Dawn of the Underlord
Goosebumps SlappyWorld #4: Please Do Not Feed The Weirdo