Thea Stilton and the Treasure Seekers #1
The Binder of Doom #2: Boa Constructor: A Branches Book
The Notebook of Doom Special Edition: Monster Notebook: A Branches Book
The Notebook of Doom #3: Attack of the Shadow Smashers: A Branches Book
Rainbow Magic: The Fairy Tale Fairies #7: Lacey the Little Mermaid Fairy
Goosebumps SlappyWorld #6: The Ghost of Slappy
Maîtres des dragons N° 7: La quête du dragon de la Foudre (Dragon Masters #7: Search for the Lightning Dragon)
Maitres des dragons N° 9: Le souffle du dragon de la Glace (Dragon Masters #9: Chill of the Ice Dragon)
Maîtres des dragons N°14: Au pays du dragon du Printemps (Dragon Masters #14: Land of the Spring Dragon)
Geronimo Stilton Journey Through Time #7: Time Warp
Amazing Hockey Stories: Hayley Wickenheiser
Hibou Hebdo N° 5: La journee des coeurs joyeux (Owl Diaries #5: Warm Hearts Day)
Hibou Hebdo N° 10: Eve et bebe Mo (Owl Diaries #10: Eva and Baby Mo)
Hibou Hebdo N° 9: La grande journee pyjama (Owl Diaries #9: Eva's Big Sleepover)
Maîtres des dragons N° 8: Le cri du dragon du Tonnerre (Dragon Masters #8: Roar of the Thunder Dragon)
Maitres des dragons N° 12: Le tresor du dragon d'Or (Dragon Masters #12: Treasure of the Gold Dragon)
Maitres des dragons N° 11: L'eclat du dragon d'Argent (Dragon Masters #11: Shine of the Silver Dragon)
Les aventures de Narval et Gelato N° 1: Narval Licorne de mer (A Narwhal and Jelly Book #1: Narwhal: Unicorn of the Sea)
Les mechants N° 8: Super méchant (The Bad Guys #8: Superbad)
Maitres des dragons N° 13: L'oeil du dragon du Séisme (Dragon Masters #13: Eye of the Earthquake Dragon)
Les mechants N° 9: Grand mechant loup (The Bad Guys #9: The Big Bad Wolf)
Key Hunters #7: Battle of the Bots
Geronimo Stilton #62: Mouse Overboard!
Thea Stilton #24: Thea Stilton and the Madagascar Madness
Tom Gates #7: A Tiny Bit Lucky
Eerie Elementary #9: The Art Show Attacks!: A Branches Book
Eerie Elementary #4: The Science Fair is Freaky! A Branches Book
Geronimo Stilton Journey Through Time #5: No Time to Lose
Super Chien N° 5: Sa Majesté des puces (Dog Man #5: Lord of the Fleas)
Geronimo Stilton #61: Mouse House Hunter