Ice Chips #3: The Ice Chips and the Invisible Puck
Ice Clash: Jake Maddox Girl Sports Stories
If You Sailed On the Titanic
Inside In: X-Rays of Nature's Hidden World
InvestiGators # 6: Heist and Seek
InvestiGators #4: Ants in Our P.A.N.T.S.
InvestiGators #5: Braver and Boulder
InvestiGators #7: All Tide Up
InvestiGators #8: Class Action
InvestiGators: Agents of S.U.I.T. #1
InvestiGators: Agents of S.U.I.T. #2
Isadora Moon #1: Isadora Moon Goes to School
Isadora Moon #3: Isadora Moon Goes to the Ballet
Isadora Moon #4: Isadora Moon Has a Birthday
Isadora Moon #5: Isadora Moon Goes on a Field Trip
Isadora Moon #7: Isadora Moon Has a Sleepover
Isadora Moon #8: Isadora Moon Gets in Trouble
Isle of Misfits #1: First Class
Isle of Misfits #2: The Missing Pot of Gold
Isle of Misfits #3: Prank Wars!
It's So Amazing! A Book About Eggs, Sperm, Birth, and Families (2024 edition)
Itch Scritch Scratch (Dyslexia Friendly Font)
Ivy & Bean #12: Get to Work!
Ivy and Bean #1
Ivy and Bean #12: Get to Work! (HC)
Ivy and Bean #2: and the Ghost That Had To Go
Ivy and Bean #3: Break the Fossil Record
Ivy and Bean #3: Break the Fossil Record (HC)
Ivy and Bean #5: Bound To Be Bad
Ivy and Bean #7: What's the Big Idea?