Pea, Bee, and Jay #5: Gotta Find Gramps
Peanut, Butter, & Crackers #2: Fetch!
Peanut, Butter, and Crackers # 1: Puppy Problems
Peanuts Kids # 17 - Snoopy Beagle Scout Adventures
Peanuts Kids # 1 Snoopy: Cowabunga!
Peanuts Kids # 12 Lucy: Speak Out!
Peanuts Kids # 15: Snoopy: Cannonball!
Peanuts Kids #10: I’m Not Your Sweet Babboo!
Peanuts Kids #14: Snoopy First Beagle in Space
Peanuts Kids #16: Snoopy Touchdown!
Peanuts Kids #2: Charlie Brown and Friends
Pearl the Magical Unicorn
Peggy's Impossible Tale
Pet Pals #1: Mitzy's Homecoming
Pets Rule #1: My Kingdom of Darkness: A Branches Book
Pets Rule #2: The Poodle of Doom: A Branches Book
Pets Rule #3: Kittens Are Monsters: A Branches Book
Pets Rule! #4 The Rise of the Goldfish: A Branches Book
Pets Rule! #5: Invasion of the Pugs: A Branches Book
Pets Rule! #6: The Night of the Chipmunk: A Branches Book
Phoebe and Her Unicorn # 14: Unicorn Playlist
Phoebe and Her Unicorn #1
Phoebe and Her Unicorn #15: Unicorn Selfies: Another Phoebe and Her Unicorn Adventure!
Phoebe and Her Unicorn #16: Unicornado
Phoebe and Her Unicorn #18: Unicorn for A Day, Another Phoebe and Her Unicorn Adventure
Phoebe and Her Unicorn #20: Unicorn Time Machine
Phoebe and Her Unicorn #6: The Magic Storm
Phoebe and Her Unicorn #8: Unicorn Theater
Pippi Longstocking
Pixie Tricks #1: Sprite's Secret: A Branches Book