Press Start! #4: Super Rabbit Boy Vs. Super Rabbit Boss! A Branches Book
Press Start! #7: Robo-Rabbit Boy, Go! A Branches Book
Press Start!: Super Game Book! A Branches Book
Princess Pulverizer #1: Grilled Cheese and Dragons
Princess Pulverizer #3: Bad Moooove!
Princess Pulverizer #4: Quit Buggin' Me!
Princess Pulverizer #5: Watch That Witch!
Princess Pulverizer #6: The Dragon's Tale
Princess Pulverizer #7: Gotta Warn the Unicorns!
Princess Pulverizer #8: Yo-Ho, Yo...No!
Puggleton Park #1
Puggleton Park #2: Penelope and the Curse of the Canis Diamond
Pup and Dragon: How to Catch a Unicorn
Pup Detectives # 1:The First Case
Pup Detectives # 2: The Tiger's Eye
Pup Detectives # 3: The Soccer Mystery
Pup Detectives # 4: Ghosts, Goblins, and Ninjas!
Pup Detectives # 6: Mystery Mountain Getaway
Pup Detectives #5: The Missing Magic Wand
Pup Detectives #7: The Big Bad Woof
Pup Detectives #8: Battle of the Bands
Puppy Bible: The Ultimate Week-by-Week Guide to Raising Your Puppy
Put On Your Owl Eyes
Puzzle Book of the Ocean: National Geographic Kids
Puzzle Quest: Secret Island
Puzzlooies! Marooned on the Moon: A Solve-the-Story Puzzle Adventure
Questions for Rebel Girls
Rabbit & Bear #1: Rabbit's Bad Habits
Rabbit & Bear #2: The Pest in the Nest
Rabbit & Bear #3: Attack of the Snack