The Not-So-Tiny Tales of Simon Seahorse # 2: I Spy . . . a Shark!
The Not-So-Tiny Tales of Simon Seahorse # 3: Don't Pop the Bubble Ball!
The Not-So-Tiny Tales of Simon Seahorse # 4: Summer School of Fish
The Not-So-Tiny Tales of Simon Seahorse #5: Into the Kelp Forest
The Not-So-Tiny Tales of Simon Seahorse #6: Shell We Dance?
The Not-So-Tiny Tales of Simon Seahorse #7: Dragon Dreams
The Not-So-Tiny Tales of Simon Seahorse #8: Seas the Day!
The Notebook of Doom #10: Snap of the Super-Goop: A Branches Book
The Notebook of Doom #11: Sneeze of the Octo-Schnozz: A Branches Book
The Notebook of Doom #12: March of the Vanderpants: A Branches Book
The Notebook of Doom #13: Battle of the Boss-Monster: A Branches Book
The Notebook of Doom #3: Attack of the Shadow Smashers: A Branches Book
The Notebook of Doom #6: Pop of the Bumpy Mummy: A Branches Book
The Notebook of Doom #7: Flurry of the Snombies: A Branches Book
The Notebook of Doom #8: Charge of the Lightning Bugs: A Branches Book
The Notebook of Doom #9: Rumble of the Coaster Ghost: A Branches Book
The Notebook of Doom Special Edition: Monster Notebook: A Branches Book
The Official Minecraft Coloring Adventures Book: Create, Explore, Color!
The Old Farmer's Almanac for Kids, Volume 10
The Orange Shirt Story: The True Story of Orange Shirt Day
The Party Diaries #3: Top Secret Anniversary: A Branches Book
The Party Diaries #4: Fairy-Tale Puppy Picnic: A Branches Book
The Pebble in My Pocket, A History of Our Earth
The Princess in Black #1
The Princess in Black #5 and the Mysterious Playdate
The Princess in Black #8 and the Giant Problem
The Princess in Black #9: The Princess in Black and the Mermaid Princess
The Pronoun Book: She, He, They and Me!
The Puppy Place #66: Barkley
The Puppy Place: Biggie