The Secret Life of The Forest: Trees, Animals, and Fungi
The Secret Signs of Nature: How to Uncover Hidden Clues in the Sky, Water, Plants, Animals, and Weather
Ultimate Mammalpedia
Unlikely Friendships for Kids: The Monkey & the Dove
Usborne Extreme Planet: Journey Through the Amazon - lift the flap
Weird and Wonderful Animals
Weird But True! Birthdays: 300 Fun-Tastic Facts to Celebrate
Who Would Win? # 15: Rattlesnake vs. Secretary Bird
Who Would Win? # 18: Jaguar vs. Skunk
Who Would Win? # 20: Hyena vs. Honey Badger
Who Would Win? # 23: Falcon vs. Hawk
Who Would Win? Monstrous Mammals: 4 Books in 1
Who Would Win?: Rhino vs. Hippo
Who Would Win?: Wolverine vs. Tasmanian Devil
Wildlife in the City
You Can be a Nature Detective