Bat #3: Bat and the End of Everything
Batcat and the Seven Squirrels
Batman & Robin Adventures: Poison Ivy's Rainforest Revenge
Batman & Robin Adventures: Scarecrow's Nightmare Maze
Batman & Robin Adventures: The Joker's Magic Mayhem
Batman & Robin Adventures: The Riddler's Battleship Blitz
Batman Battles Mr. Freeze
Batman: Attack of the Man-Bat!
Batman: Comic Chapter Books: Prisoner of the Penguin!
Batman: Gotham City’s Guardian
Batman: Mechs vs Mutants
Bats in Trouble
Be a Beach Detective: Solving the Mysteries of Seas, Sands, and Surf
Be a Camouflage Detective: Looking for Critters That are Hidden, Concealed, or Covered
Be a City Nature Detective
Be a Nature Explorer!: Outdoor Activities and Adventures
Be a Night Detective: Solving the Mysteries of Twilight, Dusk, and Nightfall
Be a Weather Detective: Solving the Mysteries of Cycles, Seasons, and Elements
Be a Wilderness Detective: Solving the mysteries of fields, woods, and coastlines
Be the Dragon: 9 Keys to Unlocking Your Inner Magic
Be Your Own Kind of Awesome! Coloring Book
Beak & Ally #1: Unlikely Friends
Beak & Ally #2: Bedtime Jitters
Beak & Ally #3: The Big Storm
Beak & Ally #4: Snow Birds
Beasts of the Ancient World
Bedknobs and Broomsticks
Bees and Wasps: Secrets of Their Busy Colonies
Before the Seed: How Pollen Moves
Bella’s Den (Dyslexia Friendly Font)